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This series is inspired by the effort of NGOs such as Rewilding Argentina, which is working to reintroduce the Jaguar in the Esteros del Iberá in Corrientes Province and in the Impenetrable, in Chaco Province (Argentina) and Proyecto Yaguareté, which is working on the conservation of the Jaguar in Argentina.


When I learned about the situation of the Yaguareté (Jaguar), I was moved by this magnificent animal that today is in danger of extinction.


The works, made on large cardboard recovered from the street, seek to move and convey the sense of urgency to recover this animal so beautiful and at the same time so fundamental to our ecosystem.


Its image was repeated in my head, and in my brush, like a mantra.


The Opening was on October 28  on Instagram Live. You can watch it on IGTV at @magdalenacasa or in the insert below.



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