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for the People


145 x 65 cm

Acrílico, tempera, carbonilla y marcador Posca sobre cartón.

Acrylic, charcoal and postca marker on cardboard.

Disponible | Available


Estos yaguaretés se enredaron con la frase de la canción  Tickle me Pink, de Johnny Flynn: ¨Pray for the people inside your hear for they won´t be there when you´re dead." Los animales y las letras forman una combinación enérgica y vivaz, realzada por tonos rojos y amarillos.

These jaguars are entangled with the phrase of Johnny Flynn's song Tickle me Pink,: “Pray for the people inside your hear for they won´t be there when you´re dead."  Animals and lyrics form an energetic and lively combination, enhanced by red and yellow tones.

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